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RPC Communications - v1.0 Spring 1994, v1.1 Summer 1994
- Global sections imposed restrictions on structure
of database and are inconvenient for a dynamically changing database.
Use dynamic database and RPC methodology.
- RPC version consisted of (see Fig. ):
- Server process maintaining configuration.
- Client applications using RPCs to request changes and retrieve data. Maintain duplicate of database.
Figure: CAMP Distributed Design using RPCs
- Use ONC (Sun) RPCs (seen as most portable at the time). MultiNet provides unsupported library for VAX/VMS.
- RPC XDR routines optimized to reduce overhead of client updates.
- Variables organized like a (Unix) directory tree
(see Fig. ), with the
following new types (besides the ``Numeric" type):
- ``String" - editable character string.
- ``Selection" - selection of strings.
- ``Structure" - organize related variables below this variable.
- ``Instrument" - top variable for an instrument.
- ``Link" - link to variable in another instrument, allows pseudo-instruments.
Figure: Sample CAMP Variable List - tree-like organization
- Some instruments can use either RS-232-C or GPIB.
Remove interface-specific information from instrument driver.
Data Acq. Group
Sun Oct 15 01:38:28 PDT 1995