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by admin last modified Mar 02, 2016 04:32 PM

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Tcl Instrument Drivers - v1.2 Fall 1994

  • Complexity of instruments requires intelligent drivers. Need to set/read/check multiple variables per request.

    Also, new compiled versions of server a maintenance problem.

    Investigate interpreted languages for driver programming.

  • DCL (shell) drivers too slow.

    Must use embedded interpreter.

  • The Tcl language - embeddable, expandable and ported to VMS.

    Becomes the interpreter for instrument drivers, command-line interface commands and save files.

  • All I/O now performed synchronously.
  • Drivers loaded into memory at instrument addition to reduce overhead of interpreting.

    Speed not a problem compared with slow response of instruments.

Data Acq. Group
Sun Oct 15 01:38:28 PDT 1995
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