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Prototype - v0.0 Summer 1993
- C was chosen for all new code for portability, availability of useful code libraries and personal preference.
- The prototype consisted of (see Fig. ):
- Server process maintaining configuration in global memory.
- Client applications map to the global sections, make requests to the server via mailbox communications.
- One ``system" section describing the configuration and one section for each instrument.
- One variable type: ``Numeric".
- Variable attributes: polling rate, logging flag, alarm flag, etc.
- Alarms are used to halt data acquisition in hardware.
- Instrument drivers linked with server. Limited functionality - one variable set or read per request. Contain interface-specific information.
- RS-232-C via LAT or local serial ports.
- GPIB via Kinetics Systems 3388 in CAMAC.
- Textual user interface using ``curses" library.
Data Acq. Group
Sun Oct 15 01:38:28 PDT 1995