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VF48 Manual

by Chris Pearson last modified Feb 24, 2010 01:46 AM

Needs rewriting

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File contents

This file contains various email messages discussing new VF48 features
It needs to be rewritten, summarising the relevant information

============== TIGC/VF48 Requests as of 03/05/2009 01:34 PM ==================

A)* TIGC receive clock from external 20 MHz clock
B)* TIGC distributes this clock to each VF48 (10)
C)* TIGC Sum the pulses of 4 VF48
D)* enable VF48 chip selection for summing
E)* decision+ summing made within 1-2us (time between level0 and
    level1 trigger)
F)* TIGC make an OR of all VF48 busy signal and output a NIM (or TTL)
    busy signal. 


Busy was originally vf48-full - changed to not-empty


Changed triple-pulsing, late pulses, fixed threshold writing

Do TIGC reset before vf48Rst/ParWrite! ...

As well as the above change, the following needs adding to the frontend to set the summing enable bits - there are 8 bits per group (and 6 groups per vf48) - in this code the 8 bits are all hardcoded to 1, but this can easily be changed to an odb parameter if needed.

in fevme1.cxx:local_vf48_load() just after polarity setting
  // Sum_Enable
  for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
    DWORD pat = vf48_ParameterRead(myvme, base, i, VF48_MBIT1);
    pat |= (0xff << 8);
    vf48_ParameterWrite(myvme, base, i, VF48_MBIT1, pat);


input2 is the level-1 trigger which causes the modules to readout - I think you're sending this signal directly to the vf48 though, so it isn't really needed in the tigc.

> What is already the 2nd input going to TIGC.
> Input 1 is the level 0 trigger but what is input 2 already?

The new firmware is EPCS4_vf48212_kO4d_30jun09.pof in ~pienu/packages/firmware.

Frontend parameter Modebit[6]=1 enables the analog sum (instead of the multiplicities).

   in the frontend, in Sum-enable part of parameter loading ...
   after this line ...
       pat |= ( vfs->sum_enable << 8); // acts on bits 0xFF0000
   add this one ...
       pat |= 0x40;     // set 7th bit to send sum to collector

Collector parameter triggerconfig[3]=1 puts the 20Mhz clock on the vf48 AuxOut (instead of the Lixe trigger).

   in the frontend, in init_vme_modules...
   after this line ...
       // vf48_SetAuxTrig(gVme, gVF48Base[i], 1<<2); /* PIENU Trigger */
   add this one ...
       vf48_SetAuxTrig(gVme,  gVF48Base[i] , 1<<3); /* enable clk out */

Also the reset in-between runs for the reprogrammed module should be removed (the reset on frontend_init is still required).

The event number should be automatically reset at the start of each run


TIGCSumEnable      6 (0x6)
TigcDisableMask 3711 (0xE7F)
TigcTrigThreshold 20 (0x14)  in VF48 ADC channels/64

DisableMask is bitmask for which ports on tigc to disable, the top one is first, and we usually use the lower group of 6, so E7F is all disabled except 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the lower group of 6

SumEnable is bitmask for which vf48 to sum - *the positions are referring only to the lower group of 6 ports* - (so 6 is 2nd and 3rd of this lower set)

(These two parameters do not really have consistent meanings)

TrigThreshold is in adc-units/64 


KO4 is konstantins firmware V212 with VME speed improvements and latest reset modifications (KO2 was the first working V212, KO3 had some vme speed improvements)

KO4b is the above KO4, with Analog summing and TIGc connection
KO4c has also the clock out
KO4d has also chris Ohlman triggerLogic and event-number reset

KO4d should have clock-out - but this needs selecting by writing a register, otherwise you get the Ohlman trigger out.


I checked the files, and firmware KO4c has the correct date, so should be the correct file, if this was flashed (and not some other file), the only reason I can see for the missing clock-out signal, is a bad cable or attaching to the wrong connector - or the module has no clock - the rj45 cable needs to be attached and the jumpers set correctly.


Yes, 0x80 in modebits1 will enable the summing, and the thresholds will need to be doubled.


Renee Poutissou wrote:
> This message is mainly for Chris.
> I would like to implement the new option in the fevme code but
> I do not have enough details.
> When I look at the web page, I see
>   EPCS4_vf48_212ko4f_18aug09.pof
>   by Chris Pearson %G—%@ last modified Aug 18, 2009 10:45 PM
>   Raw data supression applies threshold to sum of adjacent channels
>   (if enabled with modebits[7])
> Does this mean that the way to set this option is to set the
> bit #7 (ie 0x80) of the parameter called VF48_MBIT1 ???
> And, I assume that the "threshold" is the parameter called
> HitThreshold - when the option is set, I assume that this
> threshold must be set higher since it is comparing to the sum
> of two channels, correct? 


Fixed TIGC Summing problems


I don't know why the efficiency seems to vary?


Raw data Suppress - completely suppresses the waveform readout for all channels and all triggers (the evaluated pulse-height and time are still read - however the pulseheight algorithm doesn't work for your pulses).

Channel suppress enable is the mode we use, which only suppresses raw data if there is no pulse.

The threshold for suppression is done on the slope of the signal - if the signal changes by more than the threshold in 3 clocks (effectively the pedestal is subtracted from ~48ns before)


The Problems with the TIGC were ...

The bug in the trigger timeout counter - the counter ran continuously and if the trigger came when it had reached the timeout value, the trigger timed-out immediately.  This was fixed by only counting when the trigger had come.

Fixing this didn't solve the inefficiency ...

We found the pedestal problem - the pedestal was taken 1.5us before peak - we changed this to a proper gated-baseline follower, which had the correct behaviour.

This also didn't solve the efficiency problem.

Finally we found the trigger-signal was being missed as it is not synchronised with the TIGC clock - originally the trigger signal was several clocks long so this didn't matter, but then we shortened it to 1 clock due to retriggering, and now it must be correctly re-synchronised to the TIGC clock, or it will be missed (~4% of the time).


         VF48 VME Addresses

VF48_CSR_REG_RW           0          /**< -RW-D16/32 */
VF48_SELECTIVE_SET_W      0x0010
VF48_SELECTIVE_CLR_W      0x0014
VF48_TEST_REG_RW          0x0020
VF48_FIRMWARE_R           0x0030  /**< -R-D16/32 */
VF48_SOFT_RESET_W         0x0040  /**< Same as NIM -W-D16/32 */
VF48_PARAM_DATA_RW        0x0050  /**< -RW-D16/32 */
VF48_PARAM_ID_W           0x0060  /**< -W-D16/32 */
VF48_SOFT_TRIG_W          0x0080
VF48_GRP_REG_RW           0x0090
VF48_GLOBAL_RESET_W       0x00B0  /**< -W */
VF48_GROUP_ID_RW          0x00C0  /**< -RW */
VF48_GROUP_COINC_RW       0x00C4  /**< -RW */
VF48_GROUP_MULT02_RW      0x00C8  /**< -RW */
VF48_GROUP_MULT35_RW      0x00D0  /**< -RW */

VF48_NFRAME_R             0x00A0  /**< -R-D16/32 */
VF48_DATA_FIFO_R          0x1000  /**< -R-D32 */

/* ================= Parameter IDs for Frontend ========================  */
#define  VF48_GRP_OFFSET           (DWORD) (12)
#define  VF48_PARMA_BIT_RD         (DWORD) (0x80)
#define  VF48_PEDESTAL             (DWORD) (1)    //** 0x0000
#define  VF48_HIT_THRESHOLD        (DWORD) (2)    //** 0x000A
#define  VF48_CLIP_DELAY           (DWORD) (3)    //** 0x0028
#define  VF48_PRE_TRIGGER          (DWORD) (4)    //** 0x0020
#define  VF48_SEGMENT_SIZE         (DWORD) (5)    //** 0x0100
#define  VF48_K_COEF               (DWORD) (6)    //** 0x0190
#define  VF48_L_COEF               (DWORD) (7)    //** 0x0200
#define  VF48_M_COEF               (DWORD) (8)    //** 0x1000
#define  VF48_DELAY_A              (DWORD) (9)    //** 0x0005
#define  VF48_MBIT1                (DWORD) (10)   //** 0x0000
#define  VF48_DELAY_B              (DWORD) (11)   //** 0x0001
#define  VF48_LATENCY              (DWORD) (12)   //** 0x0005
#define  VF48_FIRMWARE_ID          (DWORD) (13)   //** 0x0100
#define  VF48_ATTENUATOR           (DWORD) (14)   //** 0x0190
#define  VF48_TRIG_THRESHOLD       (DWORD) (15)   //** 0x0050
// #define  VF48_ACTIVE_CH_MASK       (DWORD) (16)   //** 0x00FF
// #define  VF48_MBIT2                (DWORD) (17)   //** 0x0000

#define  VF48_ACTIVE_CH_MASK       (DWORD) (9)   //** 0x00FF << Temporary
#define  VF48_MBIT2                (DWORD) (11)   //** 0x0000 << Temporary

/* ============================ CSR Bits ==============================  */
  CSR setting:
    0: Run  0:stop, 1:start
    1: Parameter ID ready
    2: Parameter Data ready
    3: Event Fifo Not empty
#define  VF48_CSR_START_ACQ        (DWORD) (0x00000001)
#define  VF48_CSR_PARM_ID_RDY      (DWORD) (0x00000002)
#define  VF48_CSR_PARM_DATA_RDY    (DWORD) (0x00000004)
#define  VF48_CSR_FE_NOTEMPTY      (DWORD) (0x00000008)
#define  VF48_CSR_CRC_ERROR        (DWORD) (0x00000020)
#define  VF48_CSR_EXT_TRIGGER      (DWORD) (0x00000080)
#define  VF48_CSR_FE_FULL          (DWORD) (0x00008000)
#define  VF48_RAW_DISABLE           0x2
#define  VF48_CH_SUPPRESS_ENABLE    0x1
#define  VF48_INVERSE_SIGNAL        0x8
#define  VF48_G02                     1
#define  VF48_G35                     2
/* Header definition */
#define  VF48_HEADER               (DWORD) (0x80000000)
#define  VF48_TIME_STAMP           (DWORD) (0xA0000000)
#define  VF48_CHANNEL              (DWORD) (0xC0000000)
#define  VF48_DATA                 (DWORD) (0x00000000)
#define  VF48_CFD_FEATURE          (DWORD) (0x40000000)
#define  VF48_Q_FEATURE            (DWORD) (0x50000000)
#define  VF48_TRAILER              (DWORD) (0xE0000000)

//#define  VF48_OUT_OF_SYNC          (DWORD) (0x88000000)
//#define  VF48_TIMEOUT              (DWORD) (0x10000000)

Parameter frame
15 ...    ...
C: Destination Card/Port N/A
R: Read bit (0:Write, 1:Read)
D: Destination channels (0..5)
   bit 11..8
          0: channel 1..8
          1: channel 9..16
          2: channel 17..24
          3: channel 25..32
          4: channel 33..40
          5: channel 41..48
          6: channel N/C
      7..15: channel N/C
V: Version 0 for now (0:D16, 1:D32(extended))
P: Parameter ID
  Default values for the different PIDs
ID#   Def Value
1     0x0000 Pedestal
2     0x000A Hit Det Threshold
3     0x0028 Clip Delay
4     0x0020 Pre-Trigger
5     0x0100 Segment size
6     0x0190 K-coeff
7     0x0200 L-coeff
8     0x1000 M-coeff
9     0x0005 Feature Delay A
10    0x0000 Mbit1
          0x1: Data simulation
          0x2: Supress Raw Data
          0x8: Inverse Signal
11    0x0001 Feature Delay B
12    0x0005 Latency
13    0x0100 Firmware ID
14    0x0190 Attenuator
15    0x0050 Trigger threshold
16    0x00FF Active Channel Mask
17    0x0000 Mbit2
          0x1: Enable Channel Suppress
       0xff00: sampling divisor         // Temporary

int  vf48_Setup(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int mode);
int  vf48_EventRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, DWORD *event, int *elements);
int  vf48_EventRead64(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, DWORD *event, int *elements);
int  vf48_GroupRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, DWORD *event, int grp, int *elements);
int  vf48_DataRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, DWORD *event, int *elements);
int  vf48_ExtTrgSet(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_ExtTrgClr(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
void vf48_Reset(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
void vf48_SoftReset(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_AcqStart(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_AcqStop(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_NFrameRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_CsrRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_GrpRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_FeFull(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_EvtEmpty(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_GrpEnable(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, int grpbit);
int  vf48_GrpRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_GrpOperationMode(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, int grp, int opmode);
int  vf48_ParameterRead(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, int grp, int param);
int  vf48_ParameterWrite(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, int grp, int param, int value);
int  vf48_ParameterCheck(MVME_INTERFACE *myvme, DWORD base, int what);
int  vf48_SegmentSizeSet(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, DWORD size);
int  vf48_SegmentSizeRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_TrgThresholdSet(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp, DWORD size);
int  vf48_TrgThresholdRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_HitThresholdSet(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp, DWORD size);
int  vf48_HitThresholdRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_ActiveChMaskSet(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp, DWORD size);
int  vf48_ActiveChMaskRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_RawDataSuppSet(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp, DWORD size);
int  vf48_RawDataSuppRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_ChSuppSet(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp, DWORD size);
int  vf48_ChSuppRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_DivisorWrite(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, DWORD size);
int  vf48_DivisorRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int grp);
int  vf48_MultGroupIDRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_MultGroupIDWrite(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int gid);
int  vf48_MultGroupCoincRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base);
int  vf48_MultGroupCoincWrite(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int coinc);
int  vf48_MultiplicityRead(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int which);
int  vf48_MultiplicityWrite(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int which, int mxx);
int  vf48_SetTigcSumEnable(MVME_INTERFACE *, DWORD, int);
int  vf48_SetTigcTrigThreshold(MVME_INTERFACE *, DWORD, int);
int  vf48_SetTigcDisableMask(MVME_INTERFACE *, DWORD, int);
int  vf48_SetTigcSumGains(MVME_INTERFACE *, DWORD, int);
int  vf48_TigcGenReset(MVME_INTERFACE *, DWORD);
int  vf48_SetAuxTrig(MVME_INTERFACE *mvme, DWORD base, int value);

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