May 2010
firmware installed at Geotomo from May onwards Frontend has test pulser added for debugging purposes (specifically to investigate missing triggers on last 8 channels) Collector has the above bug fixed - Trigger requests from frontends are received as Trig_Req[5..0], but were used as Trig_Req[6..1]. (Should look into why this didn't cause compilation to fail). This bug affected self-triggering, which has only very rarely been used so far. Collector also has changes for Hardware Reset, lvds outputs zeroed on reset, CSR Reset, and "AutoShiftRegReplace" setting disabled. Collector also has Fix to LVDS encoder so 12bit values (which require sending as 2 6bit messages) can be reliably transmitted and received without ever sending/receiving mixtures of part of 1 value and part of the following value. **This version of the collector does not have this fix applied to its decoder (not important for geotomo but needed for pienu)
VF48 frontend source archive — last modified Mar 30, 2012 04:23 PM
- See comments above
VF48 Collector source archive — last modified Mar 30, 2012 04:23 PM
- See comments above
Flash file 25May2010 — last modified Mar 30, 2012 04:23 PM
- Flash file from above sources