last modified
Sep 04, 2006 06:11 PM
Next: Test Sequence Up: Diagnostics Program Previous: The Search-and-Test Program
The advantages of using this program are as follows:
- The program can be run in a VAX. So it can be run on the data
acquisition computer connected to the system. It is easy to
transfer the program file to the data acquisition VAX and run
it on the system. It is thus not necessary to disassemble
- The program takes an average of only two minutes to run. It helps
to minimize the time needed to diagnose the system before or
during beam time.
- The program automatically finds the three most important types of modules in the system. It is thus not necessary to run three different programs many times to check every module of those types.
Data Acq. Group
Sat Oct 14 20:45:07 PDT 1995