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Installation of VxWorks from Linux

by admin last modified Sep 04, 2006 06:11 PM

Adding permissions for a MVME board to boot, run rshell & nfs mount from a linux host

A. Booting

Can be done via ftp or rsh mechanism. The rsh mechanism is used if there is no password specified in the Boot Parameters of the MVME board.  For rsh to work, there must be an entry of the username on the host machine in file .rhosts .

For example, bring up the consol of your MVME board (vwisac1 is used in the example below), and  check the parameters by giving the command :

-> version
VxWorks (for Motorola MVME2300 - MPC 604r) version 5.3.1.
Kernel: WIND version 2.5.
Made on Sep 17 1998, 15:42:09.
Boot line:
dc(0,0)dasdevpc:/vw-ppc/config/vwisac1/vxWorks e= h= u=midas f=0x8 tn=vwisac1
value = 116 = 0x74 = 't'
To change the parameters, issue the command:
-> bootChange

'.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit

boot device          : dc0 
processor number     : 0 
host name            : dasdevpc 
file name            : /vw-ppc/config/vwisac1/vxWorks 
inet on ethernet (e) : 
inet on backplane (b): 
host inet (h)        : 
gateway inet (g)     : 
user (u)             : midas 
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): 
flags (f)            : 0x8 
target name (tn)     : vwisac1 
startup script (s)   : 
other (o)            :
Note: the fields remain unchanged if you only press carriage-return.

The example above shows  that rsh will be used since no password is supplied. The username is "midas". This username  "midas" is always used for the the Midas DAQ system.

On the host machine (dasdevpc) , account midas has a file /home/midas/.rhosts

Wed> more .rhosts
pierre midas
e614vw midas
vwisac1 midas
If using rsh, make a similar file on your host.

Note that for CAMP (MVME162) nodes, the bootup parameters specifiy the user as "musrdaq", so in this case a file /home/musrdaq/.rhosts is needed.

B. nfs mounts

nfs mounts must be enabled on the host, in this case dasdevpc. This can be done by using
  • Either the Linux control-panel

  • As superuser, bring up the Linux control-panel

    On the control panel,
       select "System Configuration" (the Conductor icon)
           select Server tasks
              select Exported file systems
                    Press Add, enter the exported path name
                    and the name of the machine

        and exit the window after "activating the changes"
  • or by editing the file /etc/exports
  • e.g.
               [root@dasdevpc /etc]# more exports
               /home/midas/vw-ppc e614vw(ro)
    If adding a CAMP node, add lines such as
    /home/musrdaq/musr/camp bnmrvw(rw) devvw(rw) 
    /home/musrdaq/musr/vw bnmrvw(ro) devvw(ro)

C. allow rshell access

edit file /etc/hosts.allow and add your host to the line, e.g.

D. reload nfs

executing the command
    exportfs -r
    [root@dasdevpc /etc]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs reload

To check what files systems are exported by a given host

Issue command /usr/sbin/showmount -e "hostname"
For example:
[root@dasdevpc /etc]# /usr/sbin/showmount -e dasdevpc
Export list for dasdevpc:
/home/midas/vw-ppc e614vw.Triumf.CA,/
[root@dasdevpc /etc]# /usr/sbin/showmount -e isdaq01 
Export list for isdaq01:
/usr/local  e614slow.Triumf.CA
/is01_data1 alph04.Triumf.CA,midtis04.Triumf.CA,midtis01.Triumf.CA
/is01_data  alph04.Triumf.CA,midtis04.Triumf.CA,midtis01.Triumf.CA
/home       alph04.Triumf.CA,midtis04.Triumf.CA,midtis01.Triumf.CA

E. Enable rsh protocol (RedHat 7.1 and later)

For RedHat 7.1 or later RedHat versions,  there is an extra operation needed: rshell commands must be enabled by editing the file /etc/xinetd.d/rsh , e.g.
 cd /etc/xinetd.d
 emacs rsh
Change "disable   yes" to
       "disable    no"

Then restart:
          /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd  restart
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