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CAMP Software Manager Note: Adding a New Interface Type to the CAMP Server

Ted Whidden, Dec. 23, 1999

A 12 Step Program

1. Define the definition string

All CAMP instrument types have an associated definition string. The string has a different format for each, and contains all of the parameters necessary for configuration of the run-time use of an interface. A character string was chosen as the internal representation of the definition for maximum parallelism between interface types (rather than having a separate data structure for each). The definition strings for the current implemented interface types are as follows:

  • RS232 interface definition: "port baud databits parity stopbits readTerm writeTerm timeout", for example "/tyCo/1 9600 8 none 1 CRLF CRLF 3"
  • GPIB interface definition: "address readTerminator writeTerminator", for example "12 LF LF"
  • CAMAC interface definition: "B C N", for example "0 0 0"

The interface definition string for a new interface type must describe everything necessary for defining and differentiating instances of an interface. Note that in the present implementation the parameters are delimited by spaces.

2. Routines to parse the definition string

Various CAMP routines, in the server and client programs, will need to regularly parse the definition string for its component parameters. These routines are localized in the file camp_if_utils.c. The routines are very short, each one locating a parameter in the definition string and returning its value, either as an integer as the function return value, or in a string that is passed to the function (as appropriate). Create a routine for extracting each parameter in the new definition string, following the examples for RS232, GPIB and CAMAC.

3. Make the Tcl interpreter aware of the new type

In camp_tcl.c in the routine camp_tcl_sys there is a case statement SYS_ADDIFTYPE. This processes the Tcl command sysAddIfType which is used to add all of the available interface types at system startup. The information about interface types is stored in the CAMP server system database. This command must be aware of your new interface type.

In the "if( streq( argv[1]," statement in SYS_ADDIFTYPE, add a new "else if" statement for your new instrument, making it similar to the entries for RS232, GPIB and CAMAC. You must choose a string identifier for your type (e.g., camac) an integer identifier for the type (e.g., CAMP_IF_TYPE_CAMAC), names of the four interface processing routines (e.g., if_camac_online, etc.), and the name of the initialization routine (e.g., if_camac_init).

4. Add the integer identifier to camp.h

The integer identifier chosen in Step 3 must be given a value in the camp.h include file. Find the definition enum CAMP_IF_TYPE and add an entry for your new interface type (e.g., CAMP_IF_TYPE_CAMAC). Give it a unique value and be careful of the placement of commas in the enum.

5. Write the interface processing routines

Create a new file to define the interface processing routines. You can start with one of the files for another instrument type (camp_if_rs232*.c, camp_if_gpib*.c, camp_if_camac*.c) as a template. Name the following using the same string identifier chosen in Step 3 for consistency.

You must define the routines already referred to in Step 3 here. These include:

  • if_*_init Routine to process when an instrument with this interface is newly added. Be sure to use the same interface type identifier string in the call to camp_ifGetpIF_t as you chose in Step 3.
  • if_*_online Routine to process when an interface is turned online at the hardware level. This will be called, for example, by the CAMP Tcl command insIfOn. Note that this routine does not call the "-onlineProc" in the instrument's Tcl driver. Instead, it should do direct hardware related tasks only.
  • if_*_offline Routine to process when an interface is turned offline at the hardware level. This will be called, for example, by the CAMP Tcl command insIfOff. Note that this routine does not call the "-offlineProc" in the instrument's Tcl driver. Instead, it should do direct hardware related tasks only.
  • if_*_read Routine to process when an interface is requested for perform a read operation. This will be called, for example, by the CAMP Tcl command insIfRead. Note that this routine does not call a variable's "-readProc" in the instrument's Tcl driver. Instead, it should do direct hardware related tasks only.
  • if_*_write Routine to process when an interface is requested for perform a write operation. This will be called, for example, by the CAMP Tcl command insIfWrite. Note that this routine does not call a variable's "-writeProc" in the instrument's Tcl driver. Instead, it should do direct hardware related tasks only.


  • You must use the same calling parameters as in the example routines. The routines are called generically in camp_if_priv.c and are expected to have the same calling parameters.
  • You must return a valid CAMP status integer from all routines: CAMP_SUCCESS on success and CAMP_FAILURE (or others) on failure.
  • All of these routines are called with the CAMP global lock (mutual exclusion semaphore) ON. It is often efficient for the CAMP server to release the global lock during operations that involve relatively long waiting periods. Otherwise, the CAMP server will be completely locked during the processing of one single device I/O. In some of the camp_if_rs232*.c and camp_if_gpib*.c files there are examples of how to release the lock using the combination of thread_unlock_global_np() and thread_lock_global_np(). Be careful that the global lock is only released when it is safe (i.e., library calls made with the global lock OFF must be re-entrant). And, be sure to always use the two calls in combination, and always return from these routines with the global lock ON (as it was when it was called).

6. Optionally add Tcl commands to access interface parameters

It may be useful for a Tcl instrument driver to have easy access to interface definition parameters. To do this, follow the example of other interface types in camp_tcl.c as follows.

  • Find the VAR_GETIFPROCS enum in camp_tcl.c and add values for each of your new routines.
  • Add the command names to the interpreter in campTcl_CreateInterp, for example, Tcl_CreateCommand( interp, "insGetIfCamacB", camp_tcl_varGetIfCamac, (ClientData)INS_CAMP_IF_CAMAC_B, NULL );
  • Add a Tcl processing routine to process the commands (e.g., camp_tcl_varGetIfCamac)
  • In the processing routine use a switch case statement to determine which command has been called, and return the appropriate string parameter using the parsing routines written in Step 2.

7. Make the Tcl command "insIfSet -if" aware of the new type

In camp_tcl.c in the routine camp_tcl_ins there is a case statement TOK_OPT_IF_SET. This processes the command insIfSet -if.

Add an entry in the "switch( pIF_t->typeID )" statement for your new interface type, following the examples. Since interfaces are defined by a single string, the only thing unique about your interface type here is the number of space-delimited parameters within the string (e.g., 8 for RS232, 3 for GPIB and 3 for CAMAC).

8. Make the Tcl command "insIfSet -if_mod" aware of the new type

In camp_tcl.c in the routine camp_tcl_ins there is a case statement TOK_OPT_IF_MOD. This processes the command insIfSet -if_mod.

Add an entry in the "switch( pIF_t->typeID )" statement for your new interface type, following the examples. The insIfSet -if_mod if intended to allow the dynamic change of a subset of the definition string. You may decide to add something meaningful here, but in practice this command is seldom used.

9. Make the CAMP CUI aware of the new type

The CAMP CUI needs interface specific information to be able to prompt users for input and display the current settings. There are three files for the CAMP CUI that contain interface specific information: camp_cui_data.c, camp_cui_varinfo.c, and camp_cui_if.c.

  • In camp_cui_data.c, find the statement "switch( pIns->pIF->typeID )" in the routine displayVar. This routine displays interface definition information in a full screen information page for an instrument. Add an entry for your new interface type. Display the appropriate information using the curses library calls following the other examples.
  • In camp_cui_varinfo.c, find the statement "switch( pIns->pIF->typeID )" in the routine displayVarInfoWin. This routine displays interface definition information in the variable infomation window (the window on the right side of the CUI) for an instrument. Add an entry for your new interface type. Display the appropriate information using the curses library calls following the other examples.
  • In camp_cui_if.c, find the statement "switch( pIF_t->typeID )" in the routine inputIf. Add an entry for your new interface type which calls a new routine named inputIf_* with two string parameters. The two string parameters are a default definition string (defined with the sysAddIfType command in the server at startup) and a string to return the newly defined interface definition. Add the routine inputIf_* to camp_cui_if.c, following the examples for the other interface types. This routine must prompt for all interface parameters.

10. Optionally add prototypes

You may like to add prototypes for the newly created routines. Prototypes for the routines added to camp_if_utils.c in Step 2 go in camp.h. Prototypes for routines added to camp_if_*.c in Step 5 go in camp_srv.h. Prototypes for routines added to camp_cui_if.c in Step 9 go in camp_clnt.h.

11. Update the Makefile/descrip.mms

Update the Unix and VMS makefiles to include the new file created in Step 5.

12. Update the camp.ini initialization file

Add appropriate sysAddIfType entries for your new interface type in the CAMP initialization file camp.ini.

The first parameter is the string identifier for the interface type chosen in Step 3.

The second parameter is a configuration parameter which may be used as needed. For instance, for RS232 interfaces this configuration parameter is a list of available ports that is used by the CAMP CUI to prompt users for a selection (see camp_cui_if.c for how this is done - look for the variable pIF_t->conf). In the GPIB DELTAT implementation it is a list of interface specific parameters. This configuration string may be used in the if_*_init routine to define interface specific settings (see the example in camp_if_gpib_deltat.c to see how this might be done - look for the variable pIF_t->conf).

The third parameter is a default interface definition string. This is used mainly so that users can be prompted with meaningful information in the CAMP CUI when adding an instrument. It is, however, usually superseded by a default definition in the Tcl instrument driver when the instrument is added.

That's all folks!, Consultant to TRIUMF Data Acquisition Group
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