VF48 SVN repository
Konstantin Olchanski
last modified
Jul 08, 2008 10:54 AM
SVN repository for VF48 firmware & etc
Instructions for using the VF48 SVN repository
Access to repository:
- viewcvs: https://ladd00.triumf.ca/viewcvs/vf48
- svn: https://ladd00.triumf.ca/svn/vf48
- svn checkout https://ladd00.triumf.ca/svn/vf48/vendor/VF48COL_V212
Import new firmware into repository:
- cd .../VF48COL_v213_E1; svn import . https://ladd00.triumf.ca/svn/vf48/vendor/VF48COL_V213_E1
Adding new users:
- as root@ladd00:
- cd ~daqweb/svn
- add new user name to group "vf48" in dav_group
- add new user name to vf48-writers or v48-readers in dav_accessfile
- set new user password in dav_passwd: htpasswd dav_passwd newusername
- test new user by going to the viewcvs and to the svn links above