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by admin last modified Oct 16, 2007 11:58 AM

Updating the RAM disk of the MVME162 boards

The MVME162 modules provide access to CAMAC and CAMP. Most of the files are stored permanently on an internal RAM disk. The MVME162 still needs access to the host (linux) file system.

To update the files on the RAM disk

The MVME162 nfs-mounts the linux host's file systems as "/vw". For MUSR machines, this is normally ~musrdaq/musr/vw . This directory contains the object modules that are to be copied to the ram disk. It is assumed that these are the latest versions.

Useful commands:

->ls "/ram"       # check what is on the ram disk at present 
->ls "/vw"        # check what is on the host file system (DAQ VAX dsk1/musr/vw )
->copy "/vw/loadram.cmd"   # print the contents of this file on the screen
To do the update:
->copy "/vw/loadram.cmd","/ram/loadram.cmd"  # copy a new version to ram disk (overwrites old)
->loadram.cmd       # execute the command procedure  to update all the files on the ram disk


To NFS-mount the host file system & copy files across

If there is a problem with the existing startup file, it may be necessary to nfsMount the appropriate directory by hand in order to update the ram disk.

Replace CAMP board by a spare

If the MVME162 board fails, it can be replaced by the spare board (usually devvw) . Replace the faulty board by the spare in the VME crate, and change the boot parameters to those of the faulty board.  Then reboot.
NOTE: avoid having two boards active with the same IP address, i.e. two boards that both think they are devvw. Unplug the network connection while booting the second board, so you can change the boot parameters without causing a problem.

Boot CAMP board from another host

If the usual host machine is not available (i.e. broken) it is possible to boot the camp board from another host.  This would involve much of the procedure to set up a host for booting a camp board, e.g. granting permissions, setting up the /campnode directories etc. plus modification of the startup file to boot from the new host.
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