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by admin last modified Apr 05, 2013 06:07 PM


"dasdevpc" and "devvw" are used as examples for the linux and VxWorks hosts respectively. Substitute your own host names (and ip addresses) where necessary.


The camp MVME board needs to access the directories /camp and /campnode on the host. The disk containing these directories must exported to the camp MVME board.

Linux host side

Create accounts on linux host

On dasdevpc, the main camp area is /home/musrdarc/musr/camp. It is assumed that the camp area is already set up. To run camp, the VxWorks host needs to nfsmount the following directories (e.g. on dasdevpc):
/home/musrdarc/musr/camp        as /camp      (read only)
/home/musrdarc/musr/camp/devvw  as /campnode  (read/write)
              [ substitute the name of your VxWorks cpu for "devvw"].
  • NOTE - these directories will now be referred to as "/camp" and "/campnode" respectively.
  • Also the following nfsmounted directories are useful but not essential,
    /home/musrdaq/musr/vw                   as /vw   (read only) is useful for testing       
    /home/musrdaq/musr/vw                   as /tools (read only) is needed for rshell commands to work.
    Create the directories on your linux host if they don't exist:
    /campnode/cfg   e.g. /home/musrdarc/musr/camp/devvw/cfg
    /campnode/log   e.g. /home/musrdarc/musr/camp/devvw/log
                  [ substitute the name of your VxWorks cpu for "devvw"].
    Check the contents of the camp directories, or copy across the files if necessary.

    Permission to nfsmount & rshell access

    Follow instructions in to add export permissions to nfs mount the appropriate directories under linux, and to allow rshell access (not needed for CAMP nodes which boot from ram disk). Allow rshell when booting from the host so that the password need not be given as a bootup parameter.

    rshell on Linux

    Linux SL6 may need rshell to be installed.
    ls /etc/xinetd.d
    rpm -q rsh-server 
    yum install rsh-server 
    ls /etc/xinetd.d/rsh 
    emacs  /etc/xinetd.d/rsh
    service xinetd reload


    Security could also prevent the disk from being mounted. Check /etc/hosts.allow on the exporting machine. It should allow access to specific machines or to all of triumf machines.

    CAMP VxWorks host side

    VxWorks startup file

    Use a startup file such as as a template. Change the vxWorks and linux host names as appropriate.

    Set the boothost to your host e.g. dasdevpc (for convenience - the camp board actually uses the ram disk to boot), and define with hostAdd:

    boothost = "" 
    hostAdd "","" 
    Note that boothost and hostAdd must match. If one is "dasdevpc" and the other "" it will not work. and define the nfsAuth... to be the user ID and group ID that owns the files on the UNIX side. To find out the uid and gid for the user can use linux command "id username" e.g.
    >id musrdaq
    uid=569(musrdaq) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
    Note that the gid and uid at one point used to be the set the same as shown in the following examples. On the CAMP node # Set NFS username/authorization nfsAuthUnixSet boothost, 569, 569, 0 host uid gid Next mount the camp directories as "/camp" and "/campnode" e.g.
    #  Mount directories required by CAMP
    nfsMount "boothost", "/home/musrdaq/musr/camp", "/camp"
    nfsMount "boothost", "/home/musrdaq/musr/camp/devvw", "/campnode"
    and other useful directories "/vw" and "/tools":
    nfsMount boothost, "/home/musrdaq/musr/vw", "/vw"
    nfsMount boothost, "/home/musrdaq/musr/vw", "/tools"  

    To try a new startup script

    • Load startup script by hand
    Make sure boot-up parameter "startup script" is blank (see below) before rebooting the board.

    bootup parameters with no startup script

    Example bootup parameters for testing are shown:
    boot device          : ei 
    processor number     : 0 
    host name            : dasdevpc 
    file name            : 
    inet on ethernet (e) : 
    inet on backplane (b): 
    host inet (h)        : 
    gateway inet (g)     : 
    user (u)             : musrdaq 
    ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh):
    flags (f)            : 0x8 
    target name (tn)     : devvw 
    startup script (s)   : 
    other (o)            : 
    Then enter the startup script BY HAND for testing as described below, since if the startup script on the ramdisk can not be loaded for some reason, it can cause the vxWorks node to go into limbo. To recover, the startup script filename in ram must be overwritten.
    • Test startup file on host in "/vw" BEFORE copying it to ram disk
    Boot from area nfsMounted as "/vw" until the file is debugged. For the CAMP boards which bootup from ram disk, you will have to execute the boothost, hostAdd, nfsMount lines (copied from the bootup file) by hand before you can try the startup script. i.e.
     -> boothost = "" 
     -> hostAdd "","" 
     -> nfsMount boothost, "/home/musrdaq/musr/vw", "/vw"
     -> < /home/musrdaq/musr/vw/
    • Copy file to ram disk and TEST BY HAND
    When this is working satisfactorily, copy file to ramdisk (see "/vw/loadram.cmd" for examples). e.g.
    copy "/vw/","/ram/"
    Note filename on ramdisk is different due to ramdisk restrictions. Reboot node and test by typing in the startup command,
      -> <  /ram/
    If this is successful, add the startup script to the bootup parameters.


    The username listed as boot-up parameter "user" should appear in the file "/tools/.rhosts". This is needed if rshell commands are to be sent to the vxWorks node. For example, the standard musr software sends an enquiry from the host computer after reboot to check where the vxWorks node is booting from.


    • failure to load startup file
    Check the path and filename are correct. Try giving the password as a bootup parameter. If this works, check that you have correctly allowed rshell access.
    • cannot access files on /camp or /campnode
    Check success of nfsmounts, i.e.
    If devices are not mounted, check the nfs exports (see above). If /camp and /campnode are mounted, you should be able to write a file to /campnode/cfg, and read files from /camp/dat, e.g.
    -> ll  "/camp/dat"                 directory
    -> copy  "/camp/dat/camp.ini"      type camp.ini
    -> copy  "/ram/", "/campnode/cfg/tmp.tmp"  copy a file
    ->  ll "/campnode/cfg"           check it's there
    -> rm "/campnode/cfg/tmp.tmp"    delete it
    If nfsAuthUnixSet is not set to be the owner of the files in /campnode, you will not be able to write. As a test, set permissions on these directories to be world writeable
    [musrdaq@dasdevpc]     $ cd ~musrdaq/musr/camp/devvw
    [musrdaq@dasdevpc camp]$ ls -ld cfg
    drwxrwxr-x   2 musrdaq  musrdaq      1024 Jan 31 13:05 cfg/
    [musrdaq@dasdevpc camp]$ chmod a+w cfg
    [musrdaq@dasdevpc camp]$ chmod a+w log
    [musrdaq@dasdevpc camp]$ ls -ld cfg
    drwxrwxrwx   3 musrdaq  musrdaq      1024 Jan 31 14:20 cfg/
    Use "chmod o-w" to replace the correct permissions later.
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